Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Justin Beiber wad in Doom

Remember Doom from back in the day? Well someone made Justin Beiber into an enemy in the game. A really basic Justin does a dance, sings a song and is then bludgeoned to death by the Doomguy's fist.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The songs that influenced Streets of Rage

If you ever played Streets of Rage on the genesis and wondered why the music is so catchy, this is why! I can't believe he was influenced by so many well known songs and am just noticing it now. Even the "noise" in Streets of Rage 3 came from listening to something else (Streets of Rage 3's soundtrack was wildly different from the other games in the series)
Now excuse me as I put the The Subjects Vs. Jeff Mills on repeat all day.