Wednesday, November 3, 2010

RnB Douchebag of the Day - Marsha Ambrosius

This is a series highlighting R&B Songs where the lyrics sound douchebag like. (Hopefully) No feelings were hurt in the making of this series. It's all in fun, it's all to put you onto some good music.

Marsha Ambrosius - Hope She Cheats On You (With A Basketball Player)

Y so serious?

This singer, the Songstress from Floetry, hopes her ex gets cheated on with a Basketball Player. The title is enough to come to the conclusion that she's being douchebag-ish and can't get closure. She spends so much time wishing that he gets cheated on that we don't even know how the relationship ended in the first place. Who is SHE dating now? All she can say about herself is that her "Sex so good".
Why can't the beat decide if it want's to be epic or laid back? Would the man be wrong to make a song called "Hope He Cheats on You (With a Basketball Player)"? What would you think?

At least she can tell us she's bitter..

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